Tuesday, June 10, 2008

If You Had an Application Strategy, What Would It Look Like? - Andy Kyte

Great presentation is here

The skill shortage is real - people leaving the industry and new folks not coming in


Strategy should cover 7 years


Great Definition of an application strategy


The application strategy is a very hard space given the layers of the portfolio


A plan is under continuous movement and review it; events will happen, and priorities will change


Application Portfolio Management is hard work



Time to get into the APM space more responsibility - we need to look back at this and get on track


APM is not a tool but a discipline; in fact paper and pencil is a good enough tool; when you choose a tool be very careful.

Much of senior management are firefighters and thus planning is not how they think nor are rewarded

1 comment:

mmosier1 said...

So what is Pat doing with Application Architecture in this space?