Monday, June 9, 2008

Application and SOA Governance: The Who, What and Why - Matt Hotle

Presentation is here

Governance is important to predictable results

"Through 2010, a lack of working SOA governance arrangements will be the most common reason for SOA failure."

SOA Governance require application governance practices- as the application paradigm begins to break down

Need an explicit SOA architecture - SOA will cost 15 to 20% more over the first two years to build to SOA - long term payoff. Two year plus.


SOA built on a bulletin board style model will not work - not in invented here OR the duplicate services


Notice SOA is now on a level plain but Governance is climbing the hype curve and the tools.


Interesting definition of SOA COE - and how it does not align to GBG T

Caution - with lots of COEs, soon you have no one left to do the work - the RED stuff is in the ICC -


SOA COE has a governance role -



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